Mechanization of hydrometallic works

Head of the department "Mechanization of hydrometallic works"

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Xudoyev Ibroxim Jumaqulovich




The chair "Mechanization of irrigation and drainage works" (a wound called "Construction machines") was founded in 1950. The first head of the department was appointed Professor G.A.Koshevnikov. After many years, the chair was headed by such associate professors as G.T. Prudnikov, then associate professor M.Vasiliev, associate professor A.Mirsoatov, associate professor Sh.K.Pulatov, associate professor V.A. Ivanov, associate professor N.K.Usmanov, Associate Professor S.Vafoev. Since 2004, until June 2012, the department was headed by Associate Professor R.R. Ergashev. Since June 2010 until now the department is headed by Associate Professor Z. Sharipov. It should be noted actively working teachers and staff since the creation of the department: G.T. Prudnikov, M.Vasilyev, I.Ya.Zakharov, M.I.Murodov, A.K.Norkin, Z.Askarov, M.A. Khodzhaev, AS Gurzhiev, AN Mirsoatov, Z. Fayziev, M.B Khakimzhonov, V.F Manichev, I.Zh. Khudaev, S.U.Bobotoyev, G. D. Smelov, N. K.Usmonov, N.Mahmudova, N.Sattorova, R.Musurmonov, Sh.Imomov, K.Sharipov, B.Yusupov, K.Piskentbaev, M.T.Zulunov, M.S.Karimov, S.Raimimov, O.Sobirov, U.Soultonov, T.U.Usmonov, A.U. Atajanov,N.K.Daulethov, F.A. Bekchanov, E.B.Shodiev, K.Kamroyev, R.Norpulatov, M. Giyasov, H. Turaev, О.P.Sabo, Zh.Shirin, L. Khabibulin, R.V.Masteyev, as well as educational masters: P.Boltashev, E.Yusupov, M.Abdukodirov, A.Zhumabaev, laboratory assistants: A. Boboyev, A. Solikhov. In accordance with Order No. 415 of 3 September 2004, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Order No. 187 of September 13, 2004, the Institute's Chair, the Mechanization of Hydrometeorological Works, was reorganized.It included the departments "Tractors and cars", "Fundamentals of repair and reliability of machines", "Heat Engineering", "Operation of the machine and tractor park." Until now, the following professors-teachers and employees have introduced their activities and contributed to this department: Sh. U. Yuldashev, T.S.Khudoiberdiev, B.P.Shaimardonov, K.A.Sharipov, I.M.Marupov, M.A.Abdurasulov, H.I. Uraimshikov, R.K.Musurmonov, R.R. Ergashev, Sh.Z.Imomov, B.Z. Yusupov, K.Piskentbaev, N.K.Usmanov, S.T. Vafoev, B.S.Mirzaev, A.K.Igamberdiev, Z.Sh. Sharipov, K.O.Shovazov, K.E.Usmonov, B.Kh.Norov, U.T. Kuziev, N.A. Kholikova, B.Bakimov, Sh.H.Mardonov, H.Mahmudov, E.Ganiboeva, A.Mirzaakhmedov, L.Bobozhonov, head of the laboratory B.E. Ilesbayev, training masterA.Zhumabaev, laboratory: A.Boboev, A.Solihov, Sh.K.Mirzamuhammedova. Since its inception, the department has been producing specialists, over the years it began to prepare and produce specialists - mechanical engineers in specialty 1514 - "Mechanization of irrigation and drainage works". In connection with the increase in demand for trained specialists in this field - mechanical engineers, 100-125 specialists began to produce each year, meeting the demand. In 1997, the law "On Education" was adopted and higher education was divided into two levels, that is, bachelor's and master's degrees. In connection with the change in the state standard of education, the specialists were included in the educational direction "Agroengineering" and began to be trained according to a single curriculum and graduated in this specialty. By 2000, only 10-15 specialists were trained in this specialty per year. Since 2004, much attention has been paid to increasing and strengthening the capacity of the department. During this period. K.A.Sharipov (2007), R.K. Musurmonov (2009), B.S.Mirzaev (2015) defended their doctoral thesis, and the assistant of the department B.Kh. Norov (2011), defended his thesis in a specialized council. The lecturer of the department A.K. Igamberdiev in September 2017 successfully passed the Scientific Seminar and successfully defended the preliminary defense of his doctoral dissertation. The main defense is scheduled for the month of November 2017. The doctoral candidate of the 3rd year department Sh.Zh. Imamov early in October 2017 prematurely defended his doctoral dissertation. At present, the following professors and professors at the department conduct their activities: Sh.U.Yuldashev, B.S.Mirzayev, A.K.Igamberdiev, Z.Sh.Sharipov, K.O.Shovazov, N.K.Usmanov, I. Khudayev, B.Kh.Norov, Sh.Kh.Mardonov, T.Usmonov, M.Karimov, B.B. Khakimov, H.Mahmudov, F.A. Bekchanov, L.K.Bobozhonov, S.Kuziyev, S.Xolova, I.Turdibekov and head of the laboratory B.E. Ilesbaev.

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